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Working With The Laboratory Linux-Containers

Each group get it’s own LXC based laboratory container to work with during the assignments.

This document covers how you can connect to your container and load a course environment The below example demonstrates this for the BSYS course for Group 0 during Summersemester 2017. If you’re using this document for a different simply substitute {BSYS/bsys} with your course’s shortcut.


X2Go Configuration

Create New Session

Click on New session.

X2Go - Create new session

Configure Session

Set the preferences to these values (replace with your specific value):

Config Value
Session name (e.g. BSYS Container)
Host (e.g. N=1)
Login (e.g. susisorg)
Session type MATE
Enable sound support false
Client side printing support false

Click on OK.

X2Go - Session config part 1

X2Go - Session config part 2


Click on your session.

Enter your password.

Click on Ok.

X2Go - Select session

X2Go - Enter password + login


If everything is setup correct you should soon be on your desktop.

X2Go - MATE Desktop


To open a terminal go under Applications -> System Tools -> MATE Terminal.

X2Go - Open Terminal


You can also directly connect with a ssh-Client.

If you are on a POSIX system (Linux, OS X, BSD) you most likly have a ssh-Client pre-installed. If you are on Windows you can use MobaXterm or PuTTY.


To connect simple type:

# replace <htwg-username> with your username
# and <group-number> with your group number (also your container number)
# (and if nobody updates this docu you need to replace `ss17` with your current semester )
ssh <htwg-username>@ct-bsys-ss17-<group-number>

X-Server Forwarding

If you want to use GUI tools you can use the ssh option -X, e.g.:

ssh -X <htwg-username>@ct-bsys-ss17-<group-number>